Monday, March 5, 2012

Information, where art thou?

If we want to be effective in using data, we need to be informed about what is going on in the world of education.  To that end, I have been working on a Twitter list--some reliable resources that might keep me up to date as to what's happening in the world of education.  In creating my list, I took a global perspective or top-down approach.  I first added links to sites such as the U.S. Department of Education, the National Education Association, and the Alabama State Department of Education.  Though we may not have gotten into the business of education with politics in mind, it doesn't take long to realize that it is a part nonetheless.

From there I added sites to educators, administrators, and organizations that, I believe, have value for us as educators and educational leaders.  Among my favorites are Todd Whitaker, Mike Roberts, and Ron Clark.  They consistently tweet about useful topics and information. I also included a link to my school system's own technology coordinator, Susan Poling, as a way of closing the loop. 

In deciding whom to include, I used those people and groups, first, that are considered experts and/or who are widely known.  I also looked at followers of those I follow.  Finally, I looked at what the people or groups were tweeting about to see whether or not they had relevance to me and my interests.

One of the things I learned in creating this list is what kind of tweeting is helpful.  While posting comments about what is happening may be informational, it is not nearly as helpful as including links to direct sources of information.  I also learned that one great way to find others who share our interests is to look at who's following those whom we follow.  Sadly, the last thing I learned was that everyone I love doesn't have a Twitter account.  I believe strongly in the power of Professional Learning Communities but could not find the DuFours anywhere on Twitter.  I did, however, find people who tweet about PLC's, so it will be interesting to see what they have to say.

I hope you find this list useful and helpful as you think about your own goals.  If you know of great sources of information, please share!  Sometimes the most effective professional development is collegial sharing.

ED 529 Twitter List


  1. Susan,
    I like the sources that you have on your Twitter list that are sitting administrators. Before we did the list, I had not used Twitter to find relevant information related to educational topics. It was interesting to see what the administrators were focusing on. I even located a PLC article from one of your sources that will help me.

  2. Susan,
    I am shocked that the DuFours do not have a Twitter account! That is unbelievable. It is very interesting to see who is following the same people as yourself. It made me feel as if I had found a credible source.
